Make Money with a Bicycle Rentals Business
Since biking now becomes more and more popular activity, having bike rental business will potentially lead you to earn a lot of money. If you are interested to run this kind of business, you can check out the following information about starting a bike rental business.
Secondly, you have to buy several units of bicycles including the accessories like helmet, glasses, and other equipments that support the unit. Thirdly, you need to determine the price rate to rent your bicycles. Do not offer too expensive price that can make customers think hundred times to come to your bike rental. You can make brochure or poster which contains the name, location, phone number, and services offered of your bike rental.
If you live in an area that is heavy with tourism, you've probably wondered how to make tourism money. One option that worked for a friend of mine is starting a bicycle rental business. He made a small initial investment into a few bikes and started renting them out to folks in a local park that has lots of bike paths. It only took him a week of renting his 2 bicycles before he had enough to buy a 3rd bike.

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