The Importance Of Marin Cycling
When looking at the history of mountain biking this necessity becomes the chief inspiration for making the sport competitive, fun and popular.
The three factors that inform the history of mountain biking are the people passionate enough to pursue the sport, the geographical terrain, and the invention of the mountain bike.
Over time, their passion for cycling together with the mountainous prospect landed them up with competitive bike races which were organized through a 3 mile fire trail track in the city of Fairfax. Other bikers soon joined the race with the hope for creating new records. There was a downward slope of 1600 feet that was included in the race. Thus began mountain bike racing.The official birthplace of mountain biking was accorded to Mount Tamalpais in California.
In the beginning, bicyclists would race down Mount Tam and take the bikes to the top of the mount by other means of conveyance. The bike also went through a metamorphosis. Modifications began to take place on the mountain bike like tires, seat, safety arrangements.
One of the changes included the replacement of typical braking system in an ordinary bike with cantilever brakes. If you are an avid mountain biker you must agree that a mountain bike does need to brave it out on severely dangerous terrains.Because all bikers do not use their mountain bikes for scaling mountains of the same height.

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